Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Basic Baby Care- Feeding and Proper Cleaning of Bottles

Feeding your newborn- Sorry this is out of sequence but I thought I would touch up on simple baby care.

Proper preparation of formula:

1. Wash hands
2. Pour the desired amount of water in ounces (Instructions are found on infant formula can)
3. Scoop out the correct measurement for feeding, make sure to follow instructions by using the right amount. Scoop unpacked level of desired amount and put it into the bottle.
Each scoop makes 2 ounces

*2 ounces of water-1 scoop
*4 ounces of water- 2 scoops
*6 ounces of water- 3 scoops

4. Replace cap
5. Shake or roll, rolling the bottle eliminates bubbles which causes gas.

When feeding your newborn you want to make sure to get the appropriate nipple size for their age. Sizes range from slow drip, medium and fast. When your little one is young you want to make sure not to have a nipple that drips too fast or they can choke. You also want to make sure that the nipple isn't too slow or your little one will be sucking in more air. When feeding your newborn you want to place your baby comfortably so that their head is higher than their tummy on your lap. You also want to make sure to support their back and head. Using your other hand with the bottle you want to have the bottle parallel to their mouth so that it doesn't drip too fast. After several feedings you will start to figure out your baby's preference and feeding patterns.

Cleaning baby bottles-

There are many ways to clean baby bottles. One way is to remove the top from the bottle and pour out all remaining contents. Than remove the nipple from the cap and bottle. You want to take each piece and use the bottle brush to clean. Rinse first and than use soap to clean each piece. Make sure the pieces are cleaned throughly. After you have rinsed the soap off you want to use a microwave sterilizer to sterilize the bottles.
Other bottle cleaning tips

When to replace bottle nipples:

Every 3 months is good or when you see any tears.
Replace by age

Baby Development at 5 months-

At 5 months your little one has probably mastered raising their head and keeping it up and also rolling around. They are learning the sights and sounds around them and probably even recognize them if you call out their name. This is a very enjoyable time to try bonding with your little one and giving them as much tummy time as possible. Also your little one will probably start to learn to sit on their own.

To read more about 5 months-Babies Online - Week 20
Feeding your newborn- Sorry this is out of sequence but I thought I would touch up on simple baby care.

Proper preparation of formula:

1. Wash hands
2. Pour the desired amount of water in ounces (Instructions are found on infant formula can)
3. Scoop out the correct measurement for feeding, make sure to follow instructions by using the right amount. Scoop unpacked level of desired amount and put it into the bottle.
Each scoop makes 2 ounces

*2 ounces of water-1 scoop
*4 ounces of water- 2 scoops
*6 ounces of water- 3 scoops

4. Replace cap
5. Shake or roll, rolling the bottle eliminates bubbles which causes gas.

When feeding your newborn you want to make sure to get the appropriate nipple size for their age. Sizes range from slow drip, medium and fast. When your little one is young you want to make sure not to have a nipple that drips too fast or they can choke. You also want to make sure that the nipple isn't too slow or your little one will be sucking in more air. When feeding your newborn you want to place your baby comfortably so that their head is higher than their tummy on your lap. You also want to make sure to support their back and head. Using your other hand with the bottle you want to have the bottle parallel to their mouth so that it doesn't drip too fast. After several feedings you will start to figure out your baby's preference and feeding patterns.

Cleaning baby bottles-

There are many ways to clean baby bottles. One way is to remove the top from the bottle and pour out all remaining contents. Than remove the nipple from the cap and bottle. You want to take each piece and use the bottle brush to clean. Rinse first and than use soap to clean each piece. Make sure the pieces are cleaned throughly. After you have rinsed the soap off you want to use a microwave sterilizer to sterilize the bottles.
Other bottle cleaning tips

When to replace bottle nipples:

Every 3 months is good or when you see any tears.
Replace by age

Baby Development at 5 months-

At 5 months your little one has probably mastered raising their head and keeping it up and also rolling around. They are learning the sights and sounds around them and probably even recognize them if you call out their name. This is a very enjoyable time to try bonding with your little one and giving them as much tummy time as possible. Also your little one will probably start to learn to sit on their own.

To read more about 5 months-Babies Online - Week 20

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