Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Apologies

I apologize that I haven't been updating. I am going to start and hope to add a few video tutorials because it's more entertaining and so people learn better that way. In my last post I spoke briefly about your baby at 1 month, in the 2nd and 3rd month your baby is still developing their eyes and it's usually in the 3rd month where you baby will be able to follow your movement and focus on you more. During these months your baby will be doing the usual, crying, eating, sleeping and pooping. My daughter still ate every two hours and it was late into the 2nd month when we discovered the terror hours. It seemed that every day at the same time, usually in the evening, she would cry non stop, nothing would keep her from crying. She cried really painful like screams and we got her to stop for a few minutes but it didn't stop until 2 1/2 hours. They say that it usually stops in the 3rd month. This probably varies for different babies depending if your baby is colicy or not. If you find yourself in this predicament try to keep your cool, hold your baby close and try to comfort him/her, don't worry the crying will pass and it's only temporary. If you are ever concerned about your baby always consult your advice nurse or pediatrician.

How to console your baby
-Swaddle them in a blanket and rock them in your arms
-Sing to your little one
-Put on some soft soothing music
-Take your baby for a car ride (sometimes the motion of being in the car in the carseat will calm them down and get them to sleep).

If you feel overwhelmed put your baby in a safe place such as the crib and step out of the room to take a breather.
I apologize that I haven't been updating. I am going to start and hope to add a few video tutorials because it's more entertaining and so people learn better that way. In my last post I spoke briefly about your baby at 1 month, in the 2nd and 3rd month your baby is still developing their eyes and it's usually in the 3rd month where you baby will be able to follow your movement and focus on you more. During these months your baby will be doing the usual, crying, eating, sleeping and pooping. My daughter still ate every two hours and it was late into the 2nd month when we discovered the terror hours. It seemed that every day at the same time, usually in the evening, she would cry non stop, nothing would keep her from crying. She cried really painful like screams and we got her to stop for a few minutes but it didn't stop until 2 1/2 hours. They say that it usually stops in the 3rd month. This probably varies for different babies depending if your baby is colicy or not. If you find yourself in this predicament try to keep your cool, hold your baby close and try to comfort him/her, don't worry the crying will pass and it's only temporary. If you are ever concerned about your baby always consult your advice nurse or pediatrician.

How to console your baby
-Swaddle them in a blanket and rock them in your arms
-Sing to your little one
-Put on some soft soothing music
-Take your baby for a car ride (sometimes the motion of being in the car in the carseat will calm them down and get them to sleep).

If you feel overwhelmed put your baby in a safe place such as the crib and step out of the room to take a breather.

1 comment:

maplekisses said...

You've been tagged! Here's your award Mommy Maddie..